After a year building product and an awesome team at Nourish Care, it’s time for a change.

So, what now?

My thinking is, what can I do that has the most impact around me?

Building a successful startup could have impact in Coimbra, specially with a consumer product. But the odds are against me. And I also believe bootstrapped startups provide a better role model for the community.

So how can we foster the right ambition and collaboration in a sustainable way? And what can Coimbra be great at?

I’m betting on talent. Coimbra has a history of great people on the edge of the latest technologies. But the local software companies don’t value their employees. They underpay and hide them inside their corporate structure.

So I thought of a new model. I want to help build specialty shops. Small teams, with deep experience on a specific technologies, working on interesting international projects.

Provide places where recent graduates can grow and build portfolio. And in a couple of years, earn their FU money, to build bootstrapped businesses.

That’s why I started working on Bloco, a new Android shop.

For now, it’s just me as a freelancer with a blog. But now you know what’s the plan.