Sérgio Santos

Founder and developer at Bloco.
Technician at Rádio Baixa. Host of Posto.
Member of Coimbr'a Pedal.

🔗 Contemporary Art in Coimbra

Personal manually-maintained list of contemporary art exhibitions to see in Coimbra.

🔗 Jantarada

Your local food joints are struggling during the current crisis — but they’re still cooking! Help them keep the lights on, by getting take-out from the best restaurants in Portugal.

New decententralised android and web apps we developed at Bloco with the help of João Diogo Costa. Check them out at envelop.app

The future came into focus: I could grow a small team, slowly buy back our investors, and build Gumroad into a meaningful business focused on our creators. We would never become a billion-dollar company, and that started to feel okay. Certainly, the thousands of creators selling on Gumroad wouldn’t mind.

Reflecting on My Failure to Build a Billion-Dollar Company by Sahil Lavingia

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We released a new version of Large Text, our Android app for showing messages fullscreen. Get it on Google Play.