Sérgio Santos

Founder and developer at Bloco.
Technician at Rádio Baixa. Host of Posto.
Member of Coimbr'a Pedal.

You see, this cultural phenomenon of speed and growth at all costs is displayed in every startup, they all look the same, it’s like fast food: it looks good, its taste it’s consistent but then you feel horrible afterwards.

The founder of Teenage Engineering opens up to his creative space

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Non-coercive marketing places full authority and trust in people. It creates the conditions under which they can make empowered decisions for themselves, and do so in their own time. It doesn’t seek to persuade, manipulate, or pester people into a decision that’s already been made for them. It merely opens new doors, tells the truth about what’s behind those doors, then surrenders the outcome, trusting that the right people will step through when they’re ready. In that way, non-coercive marketing is a leap of faith, rooted in the idea that if you stop trying to control people, and encourage them to be their own authority, you can build positive sum relationships that lead to organic and mutually-enriching transactions. This relational shift is also at the heart of how we begin healing the emotional wounds lying beneath humanity’s many problems.

Non-Coercive Marketing: A Primer by Rob Hardy

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Once we realise that the new is nothing new, it will appear that the task at hand is much less daunting than we thought.

How to keep up with tech and not get left behind
by Alif Ibrahim

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These kinds of traits may appear dumb-but-innocuous early on, but if only it stopped there. In the past few years, these personalities have added extreme and harmful views to their online persona, further exacerbating the damage they do to junior engineers that mistakenly look up to them.

Keeping Android and Kotlin Healthy in a Post-Twitter World by
Zac Sweers

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Books read in 2022

All the books I read in 2022, with a ⭐️ next to my favourites. You can also check my lists for 2020 and 2021.


We - Yevgeny Zamyatin ⭐
The Last of the Masters - Philip K. Dick
The Carpet Makers - Andreas Eschbach ⭐
Death’s End - Liu Cixin
The Ark Sakura - Kobo Abe
His Master’s Voice - Stanislaw Lem
The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis - José Saramago
Seeing - José Saramago
La Diagonale Alekhine - Arthur Larrue
The Man Who Planted Trees - Jean Giono
The Castle - Franz Kafka
The Dispossessed - Ursula K. Le Guin ⭐️
The Cyberiad - Stanislaw Lem


Blockchain Chicken Farm - Xiaowei Wang ⭐
On Anarchism - Noam Chomsky
A Civic Technologist’s Practice Guide - Cyd Harrell
The Anarchist Handbook - Michael Malice
Nea Kavala, Nea Kavala - Frederico Martinho
The DisCO Elements
Selected Writings - Mikhail Bakunin
Bobby Fischer goes to War - David Edmonds & John Eidinow
Play Winning Chess - Yasser Seirawan
Kraftwerk - Uwe Schütte
On Tennis - David Foster Wallace
Capitalist Realism - Mark Fisher
Judgment of Paris - George M. Taber
Voices from the Valley - Moira Weigel & Ben Tarnoff
Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? - Linda Nochlin
Soft City - David Sim
The Motorcycle Diaries - Ernesto Che Guevara
Rebel Ideas - Matthew Syed
Wine and War - Don Kladstrup
Four Thousand Weeks - Oliver Burkeman ⭐
The One-Straw Revolution - Masanobu Fukuoka
Movement - Thalia Verkade ⭐
The Permaculture City - Toby Hemenway
The Race Against the Stasi - Herbie Sykes
The 99% Invisible City - Kurt Kohlstedt & Roman Mars
The Captive Mind - Czesław Miłosz
Consider the Oyster - M. F. K. Fisher
The Kronstadt Uprising - Ida Mett
Post-scarcity Anarchism - Murray Bookchin

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