Sérgio Santos

Founder and developer at Bloco.
Technician at Rádio Baixa. Host of Posto.
Member of Coimbr'a Pedal.

Bringing Nothing To The Party

Read this book some months ago. Paul Carr, who is now blogs at TechCrunch, writes about his “not-entirely-successful” adventures as entrepreneur. You can download it for free.

More than anything, it’s an entertaining reading. The author hasn’t what you could call a perfect character, and that adds much to the plot. If after reading it, you get curious about the participants, check out their twitter list.

Close to the same topic, but fiction, I found two interesting books on this Fred Wilson’s post: Grumby by Andy Kessler and Makers by Cory Doctorow (which you can also download for free).

Tags: books, entrepreneurship

NoSQL, Rails and MongoDB

After some research on NoSQL databases, for a future rails project, the projects that caught my attention were:

I’ve spent some more time MongoDB. Their list of prodution deployments is impressive. John Nunemaker developed an adapter for ruby, the MongoMapper, which already supports some neat features like validations and callbacks, much on the ActiveRecord style. See this article and the presentation below for more info:

Still have to spend some time experimenting with it, but it seems promising. 

Has anyone tried NoSQL with rails, on a recent project? Thoughts to share?

Tags: rails, nosql, mongodb

life @ coimbra

🔗 life @ coimbra

I’ve created another tumblr (the last, I promise), this time to share music, trips and more random thoughts. It will be in Portuguese though. Hope you enjoy it =)

Tags: life, coimbra

You can’t afford to be number two, or to have a “good enough” product. It has to be remarkably good, by which I mean, so good that people remark about it. The lagniappe that you get from the really, really, really talented software developers is your only hope for remarkableness.

Hitting the High Notes by Joel Spolsky

Weekend reading

Tags: books, magazines