Sérgio Santos

Founder and developer at Bloco.
Technician at Rádio Baixa. Host of Posto.
Member of Coimbr'a Pedal.

Hacking music: favorite post-rock bands

After reading some hackernews posts about hacking music, I decided to share some bands I recomend to everyone. They’re mainly around the post-rock genre a.k.a. instrumental rock. Non-distracting, but motivating. Give them a try or share your own.

Tags: music, post-rock

Startup metrics

One of the principles of lean startups is ferocious customer-centric rapid iteration. To validate assumptions, data must be collected from users interacting with the product, a fact frequently forgotten by opinionated developers.

Here are two good presentations about metrics, one about business metrics for startups, and other specifically about web applications design metrics.

Tags: startups, metrics, design, presentation

SlideShare’s existing customers had needs that the company’s new product—along with its pricing and positioning—simply weren’t solving. Realizing it had taken a wrong turn, SlideShare rethought its approach to premium accounts and ultimately performed what we’d call a value capture pivot, one where the company changes the way it collects revenue from customers.

Slideshare case study @ Lessons Learned: finding the right revenue model.

Tags: startups

Next on my reading list:

  • The Four Steps to the Epiphany by Steven Blank - most referenced book when it comes to customer validation and development;
  • Free by Chris Anderson - a run down on old and new business models around free.

Tags: books, business

The Art of Start

Finished reading The Art of Start and it’s really good. I’m lending it to my partner in crime, since it’s full of valuable pragmatic instructions.

Although some advices apply to large venture capital funding, most are universal to any startup. I specially liked the pitching tips (the 10/20/30 rule, take notes…) and the The Art of Schmoozing:

  • Get out
  • Ask good questions, then shut up
  • Follow up
  • Read voraciously
  • Give favors

If you’ve seen Guy’s presentation and liked it, you will love the book.

Tags: books, startups, tips