Sérgio Santos

Founder and developer at Bloco.
Technician at Rádio Baixa. Host of Posto.
Member of Coimbr'a Pedal.

Great cover from Wired October, 2010. This is a magazine I can buy both for industry news and customer research, besides entertainment of course. Looking forward to this issue.

Tags: magazines

Bundlr: introduction

The Seven Needs of Real-Time Curators from Robert Scoble was the trigger. I started researching on content curation, specially aggregation. Then I felt curious about the lack of tools available. Nothing I would use at least. After some brainstorm with my colleague Filipe Batista, we came up with a concept: Bundlr.

  • Never wished, at the end of an event, someone could compile easily the best videos, photos, reviews and presentations in one place? 
  • When a plane crashes, or other big news, all the important content was in a single page you could share with everyone? 
  • You could publish a post curating some subject, and update it instantly every time you find interesting content?

We want to make those wishes come true. We believe content curation will become commonplace, and we want Bundlr to be the best tool.

We’re still working on the concept, mocking up things. We plan on launching a MVP by early 2011, maybe sooner. You can follow updates here or @bundlr. If you want to be the first to try it, drop your email at gobundlr.com.

Tags: bundlr, curation

The solution is synthesis: to never compromise two essential principles. One, that we always have a vision that is clearly articulated, big enough to matter, and shared by the whole team. Second, that our goal is always to discover which aspects of this vision are grounded in reality, and to adapt those aspects that are not.

The visionary’s lament in Lessons Learned

Tags: biz dev, startups

First teaser of our new project.

Tags: bundlr

Apigee for Twitter API development

Tired of the Twitter API rate limit? With Apigee you can now bypass that limit until 20,000 API requests per hour (source). It also offers testing tools and analytics. As someone who has developed web applications using Twitter API, I certainly see the advantages of this platform.

The integration with heroku is also much. And since now any service can be integrated with heroku through their provider program, I expect more and more add-ons to be available for developers' comfort.

Tags: twitter, development