Sérgio Santos

Founder and developer at Bloco.
Technician at Rádio Baixa. Host of Posto.
Member of Coimbr'a Pedal.

More conferences: Congresso de Ciberjornalismo and Upload Lisboa

This week I’ll attend two more conferences, Bundlr related. One about journalism online and another about online communication. I’m hoping to meet some interesting people over there and learn a lot. If you’re also coming to one of these conferences, meet me and Filipe there.

Tags: events, journalism

Bundlr teaser: The Headline.

We’re still working on the design and branding, but it’s converging. What do you think of this bit?

Tags: bundlr

Selling from day one

I really believe any team developing a product should be talking with potential costumers from day one. Being a technical person, it’s really easy to hide behind the code and make all the decisions from my guts. But you end up playing roulette at the product launch: either you have a stroke of luck and nailed exactly the critical need, or, more commonly, few people like it and no one loves it.

With Bundlr we’re forcing ourselves to speak to a couple of potential costumers each week. We have a list of people we want to talk to and try to reach two or three weekly. So far, it’s working great for several reasons:

Solves internal discussions

We’re a team of two and often have different opinions. How do we solve the arguments? We just think what would future users prefer. After chatting with a some it gets easier to personify the target costumers.

Prioritizes features

There are really a lot of features we would like to implement in Bundlr. Content aggregation comprises many interesting use cases. How do we decide what features to do first and what to leave out? We just ask target users which features would they pay for.

It’s still marketing

People you interview are more likely to engage with your product and tell others about it. You’re still marketing your product and it’s going to pay off in the end all the people you talked to.

Great for motivation

Finally, nothing motivates us more than having someone telling us how much they want what we’re building. And even when we don’t get it right, having a clear knowledge of the problem is essential to stay focused and motivated.

Tags: startups, marketing

MongoDB cloud hosting platforms comparison

I’ve been researching on platforms to host MongoDB databases. The next table compares the three services I found so far:

Free planYes - 16MBNoYes - 240MB
First paid plan$5/month - 256MB of space$25/month base + $2.50 per GB storage$10/month - 500MB of space
Dedicated planAlphaYesAlpha
ReplicationMaster/slave in the large plan (49$/month)Master/slaveMaster/slave in all paid plans
BackupsYes, download by requestYes, download by requestYes, download by request
Admin GUIYesYesYes
Servers locationAmazon EC2 (North American)Amazon EC2Rackspace and Amazon EC2 (US - N. Virginia)

This information is bound to suffer changes, since some of these services are still in beta. Even MongoDB is changing as the 10gen team is releasing new features. Let’s see also if other players also enter this market. I’m really looking forward to not having to administer a database ever again.

Update: The folks from MongoLab told me they’re also providing backup’s download by request, and they’re updating their FAQ to make it more clear. Update 2: Justin Smestad from Mongo Machine notified me in the comments that they no longer charges for requests in multi-tenant plans.

Tags: mongodb

LeanTalk - Community around lean startups

I’ve joined LeanTalk a month ago. It’s a community where a specific topic about lean startups is discussed for 24 hours only, like “How do you know what a good metric value is?”. New topics are suggested and up-voted by the members. To get in you have to apply. There’s some really insightful advices there from time to time.

Note: The lean theme is becoming a bit hyped. There’s now services, consultants and everything dedicated to lean startups. But I believe the underlying principles are still important, like costumer development and measuring every assumption.

Tags: lean startups, community