Sérgio Santos

Founder and developer at Bloco.
Technician at Rádio Baixa. Host of Posto.
Member of Coimbr'a Pedal.

Blog archaeology

Since I’m taking my old blog down, I decided to do a bit of blog archaeology and choose three posts to publish here. They bring up many memories from as far as 2007. Some of the posts I gone through I don’t even remember writing. Hope you like the ones I picked.

Tags: blogs

Seed Capital invests in Bundlr

Good news: we’re being funded by Seed Capital. After Kickstart 2H10, we kept in touch with Mário Valente and finally last week we signed the papers. We’re very happy to count with a great team of advisors and join the growing group of companies also funded by Seed Capital:

This deal will help us keep focus on building Bundlr. Meanwhile, the first public version is almost finished. It will be invite-only, so if you want to try it before everyone else, drop your email at gobundlr.com.

Tags: bundlr, startups

PechaKucha Night Coimbra #01

Last Saturday I went to the first edition of PechaKucha Night in Coimbra. I really liked it, even with the wide range of themes and performances.

The folks at xDA have a good detailed report on the event:

For those who don’t know what pechakucha is, well, then you should check their website: it’s an international event, started in Japan, mostly aimed for architects, designers and photographers to show their work in a fixed presentation format of 20 images x 20 seconds. The event started becoming a success in Japan and has been adopted worldwide. Coimbra had their first edition last night at D.Dinis. Despite two last minute withdrawals the house was quite packed and people seemed to enjoy it, so i reckon it was a success.

Tags: coimbra, events


MagCloud: on demand magazine printing is awesome! I have a ton of ideas for using a service like this. The cost per page is still a big high, $0.20, but the potential is huge.

Tags: magazines

10 Business Models that rocked 2010

One of my favorites, Kickstarter, is mentioned.

Tags: presentation, startups, business models