Sérgio Santos

Founder and developer at Bloco.
Technician at Rádio Baixa. Host of Posto.
Member of Coimbr'a Pedal.

Business development at a startup

For a developer like me, starting a company, programming isn’t the hard part. That’s easy. I already know how much time it usually takes to get something done and that I’m reasonably good at it. I can easily spend the whole day fixing bugs and developing new features.

The hard part is knowing that, even if you do a good job building the service and getting the user experience right, it’s only half of the battle. We’re building a business, not a hobby.

At Bundlr, we’re reaching the point where we’re not incredible embarrassed of showing the service to someone. That means our focus should shift for activities like business development, PR, marketing, etc.. which are usually my responsibility.

But for an inexperienced guy like me, it’s really hard to know where should I be spending my time. Watch our metrics like an hawk or keep showing out service to bloggers? Experiment with AB testing or interview or top users? Build a better help section or look for mentors in our space? There is no definite answer…

I’ll try to document here the process. Meanwhile here’s an interesting presentation on business development for startups:


For more resources on startups, follow this bundle: Doing the startup dance.

Tags: about me, startups, biz dev

When you are in The Struggle, nothing is easy and nothing feels right. You have dropped into the abyss and you may never get out. In my own experience, but for some unexpected luck and help, I would have been lost.

So to all of you in it, may you find strength and may you find peace.

The Struggle

Tags: startups

Yesterday we launched a new version of Bundlr. Go take a look at http://bundlr.com

Tags: bundlr

First there’s the urban shift. The rush to suburbia is over; people want to live in the hearts of their cities – and not just during their student years. They will sacrifice space for location and so the ultimate city luxury becomes not owning a car but being able to walk to work. It is not an embarrassment but a boast to say that you have no car. Plus, where would you park it?

Today’s city dwellers want no hassle

Tags: life, quote

That’s how learning should be, and is how I still teach myself new skills today. I pick a project I want to see on the web and just start hacking away. I always like to pick an unfamiliar tool or technique which scares me a little bit, just to see if I can do it. You may struggle along the way as I always do, but maybe without knowing it, you’re part of the most collaborative and helpful network of people just by being active in our industry. There’ll always be someone willing to help.

If you feel excited and motivated about learning by creating something new, you’re doing it right. And then by sharing your experiences–however frustrating they may be–others will vicariously feed off that excitement and ultimately benefit.

An exciting time to learn

Tags: life