Sérgio Santos

Founder and developer at Bloco.
Technician at Rádio Baixa. Host of Posto.
Member of Coimbr'a Pedal.

Life at a startup: quotes

  • “Does anybody know how many months can we skip social security before they pawn my house?”
  • First hire, after 6 months in the company:
    “How’s that thing called again? Oh yeah, Bundlr.”
  • Google Analytics - Right now 0 active visitors on site:
    “Let’s go home folks…”
  • “OMG, yesterday we doubled our signups! Wait, is it a bug in our dashboard? Yeah, it’s a bug…”
  • At a fancy restaurant:
    “I’ll have the children’s menu, please.”
  • “What the hell is convertible debt?”
  • “How does this code here works?”
    “Don’t touch it!”
  • “When will you finish X?”
    “This week.” (For the 4th week in a row)
  • “Our website is down, why is nobody complaining?”
  • “We got one RT… victory dance!”
  • “And the new version is live! Oh wait… rollback, rollback!”
  • “Do you have some kind of startup discount?”

Tags: startups

But then I had to kind of laugh and my response was “You don’t have to worry about me.” I said, “I get more out of life than anyone else I’ve ever met. I’m having a great time, I’m not gonna die and I’m not gonna go to jail. This might scare you but I’m actually not afraid to die, I’m petrified of being bored and knowing what’s gonna happen tomorrow. You’ve given me every opportunity in the World to chase my dreams and most of my motivation is to make you proud.”

What It’s Like To Be A Startup CEO – The Backstory

Tags: startups

On startup hubs

Those around me know how much I’m into building a startup hub in Coimbra. It’s something I recurrently thing about: what could be done to turn this city into a more attractive place to start a company? I have a long list of things to do:

  • meetings to between startups (already doing it)
  • workshops
  • organize trips to other hubs
  • bring relevant mentors to Coimbra
  • make intros to recognized investors
  • broadcast news about local startups
  • and so on…

But the more I think about it, the more I believe the best strategy is just to work like hell to build a successful company and then invest a lot locally. Invest in all the awesome people I’m getting to know here in Coimbra.

So, back to work…

Tags: startups, coimbra

Getting into Startups Metrics

Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (Wildfire Interactive, May 2012)

I can’t tell how many times I’ve watched the Startups Metrics 4 Pirates presentation. And every time I watch it, I catch something new to apply on Bundlr.

The best part is the 5-step model, a simple way to understand the multiple dimensions of a service:

  • Acquisition: users come to site from various channels
  • Activation: users enjoy 1st visit: “happy” experience
  • Retention: users come back, visit site multiple times
  • Referral: users like product enough to refer others
  • Revenue: users conduct some monetization behavior AARRR!

Now, I can’t say we’ve been following all the rules. For example, you should had focused first on Activation and Retention, until we can prove we have the solution for a relevant problem. Instead, we’ve been aiming at all the 5 steps indiscriminately, definitely not the best strategy.

But it’s very important to, at least, have a common ground to discuss where we are in terms of product and business. So, if you’re working on a startup, you should make sure everyone on the team understands this 5 steps.

Tags: startups, metrics, biz dev

Traction is what entrepreneurs need to show to get investors interested. Simple as that. However, it’s a concept that doesn’t just mean “bigger numbers”, it is something more intricate.

Understanding “traction”, the dirty word

Tags: startups, quote