Sérgio Santos

Founder and developer at Bloco.
Technician at Rádio Baixa. Host of Posto.
Member of Coimbr'a Pedal.

Growth Hacking by Mattan Griffel

Growth Hacking from Mattan Griffel
Really great presentation about Growth Hacking, specially for someone working on their first company.

Tags: startups, growth hacking

You’re running a company, not trying to publish in an academic journal.

A Primer on A/B Testing (Yummy Candy!)

Tags: startups

Made in Coimbra

🔗 Made in Coimbra

A curated list of the web and mobile startup scene, working on end-user products, in Coimbra.

Tags: coimbra, startups

The result of a summer coding sprint of the Bundlr team: Matching Bags & Shoes

Tags: matching bags and shoes

Lean Startup Braga

The folks behind the Lean Startup Braga meetup invited me to speak about startup metrics the other day. As you probably imagine, Bundlr isn’t the leanest of startups, but I had a great time overloading the audience with all the metrics we monitor and challenges we face.

Fortunately, they also invited Celso Pinto (quantitative marketing FTW) and Francisco Costa, who have clearly more experience with this sort of things.

The best was getting to know some of the people behind the Braga startup scene and the Factory Business Center (thanks Tiago for the tour). Now I’m working on an excuse for them to head South and visit Coimbra.

Tags: lean startups, braga, events