Sérgio Santos

Founder and developer at Bloco.
Technician at Rádio Baixa. Host of Posto.
Member of Coimbr'a Pedal.


🔗 Coimbriefing

A more recent personal project has been a new blog called Coimbriefing. I use it to share quick updates about the Coimbra startup scene (in Portuguese only), to keep the community and my close network informed of what is happening.

Fell free to follow it and send new tips my way.

Tags: coimbriefing, coimbra

Androplr: Droplr for Android

🔗 Androplr: Droplr for Android

In the last months, we’ve done some projects outside Bundlr. One of those was just released: Androplr, an Android app for the popular sharing service Droplr.

We worked together with Michael Hart and it was a great project to brush up our Android skills. If you’re a Droplr user with an Android, give it a try. If you’re not using Droplr, you’re missing out on a really useful tool.

Tags: android, androplr

BarcampPT is back

My first Barcamp, back in 2006, was sort of life changing. So, I’m very excited to help organize another edition, here in Coimbra.



It’s already this weekend. Join us.

Tags: barcamp

Rails Girls Porto

This weekend, me and some fine gentleman/women will be teaching Rails, on an event called Rails Girls. It’s a great initiative. Know more at:


Tags: rails, workshop, events

When you understand what each UI element in your product means to your customer’s life, you’ll understand how to sell it better. What your product is and the way it is sold are completely symbiotic. And both depend on detailed understanding.

This realization is both simple and beautiful.

Here’s what I learned hanging out with Jason Fried by Dan Shipper

Tags: startups, marketing, quote