Sérgio Santos

Founder and developer at Bloco.
Technician at Rádio Baixa. Host of Posto.
Member of Coimbr'a Pedal.

[A MVP] Should validate or invalidate key hypothesis: Rarely is the most critical hypothesis - can we build X. Remember, most startups fail because no one wants what they built not because they couldn’t build it.

5 Misunderstandings about MVPs by Sean Ammirati

Tags: startups, quote

They did not want to hear that, but it made things clear: we had to build a better product. There was no other way out. No window, no hole, no escape hatch, no backdoor.

Lead Bullets by Ben Horowitz

Tags: startups, quote

What does it take to keep a user? A small Bundlr study

A recurrent story, when you start reading about retention in, is the story of how Twitter manages to keep new users around:

Elman, whose goal is to make Twitter users stick around, said his team has identified an “aha moment” when a casual user turns into an “active user.” That moment happens when users follow 30 accounts, and when one-third of the people they follow also follow them back.

from Making Sign-Ups More Complicated Is a Good Thing, and Other Lessons From Twitter’s User Retention Efforts

That inspired me to find out what would be Bundlr’s retention threshold. We already knew that, for new users, clipping something had the best correlation with coming back to the service (compared with creating a bundle or following a user or a bundle). But how many clips does it take? Is there a correlation with the number of clips created?

So, I made a quick unscientific study with data from new users in the last three months, which resulted in the following graph:


Disregard the last spikes, we don’t have that many users with more than 40 clips on their first day.

It’s noticeable a sharp climb until the 10 clips (~55%) and then it just hovers randomly around 60%. So, the best we can do to keep our users around is help them make 10 clips!

Of course, it’s not that straightforward. There could be a lot of other variables in play. But it’s a good number to keep in our heads while tuning Bundlr’s new user experience.

Do you know more retention thresholds? Share them in the comments.

Tags: bundlr, metrics


🔗 Coimbriefing

A more recent personal project has been a new blog called Coimbriefing. I use it to share quick updates about the Coimbra startup scene (in Portuguese only), to keep the community and my close network informed of what is happening.

Fell free to follow it and send new tips my way.

Tags: coimbriefing, coimbra

Androplr: Droplr for Android

🔗 Androplr: Droplr for Android

In the last months, we’ve done some projects outside Bundlr. One of those was just released: Androplr, an Android app for the popular sharing service Droplr.

We worked together with Michael Hart and it was a great project to brush up our Android skills. If you’re a Droplr user with an Android, give it a try. If you’re not using Droplr, you’re missing out on a really useful tool.

Tags: android, androplr